[C++] A::memberfunction cannot be used without an object

Jaime Lin
3 min readOct 1, 2020


Last week, I had a mission adding a callback function to the system. At first, I thought that’s quite easy so I had the implementation as below, but it ran into an error…

Class A is a listener that needs to execute a callback function when A specific moment and the callback will be set by class B.

Class B has a function cal to be executed and it will register the function to A so that it can be carried out when needed. In cal function, it has to sum the arguments and the value which is calculated by doTrick().

First implementation

Header file:

class A
function<int(int, int)> callbackFunc;
void setCB(function<int(int, int)>);
int doCB(int, int);
class B{
int doTrick();
static int cal(int, int);

Cpp file:

void A::setCB(function<int(int, int)> callback)
callbackFunc = callback;
int A::doCB(int num1, int num2)
return callbackFunc(num1, num2);
B::B(A *a)
int B::doTrick()
// Do a trick here.
return 1;
int B::cal(int num1, int num2)
return num1 + num2;


int main()
A a = A();
B b = B(&a);
// At a certain moment, object a would execute the callback.
cout << a.doCB(3,5);

return 0;


main.cpp:42:13: error: cannot call member function ‘int B::doTrick()’ without object


I believe that we all know what callback is so let’s skip it. As the error shows, we cannot call the member function. But why?

That’s because cal is a static function, it cannot access the B class members and functions. And how could we solve it?


The great Google always give us an answer.

In my opinion, the cal function needs an instance to access the B class’s member functions. Fortunately, We can use std::bind to wrap function so as it can complete registering a callback from a class member.

Solution implementation

Header file:

Please be aware that the cal function is not a static function anymore.

class A
function<int(int, int)> callbackFunc;
void setCB(function<int(int, int)>);
int doCB(int, int);
class B{
int doTrick();
static int cal(int, int);

Cpp file:

void A::setCB(function<int(int, int)> callback)
callbackFunc = callback;
int A::doCB(int num1, int num2)
return callbackFunc(num1, num2);
B::B(A *a)
// Warp the class menber function as a new one.
auto temp = bind(&B::cal, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2);
int B::doTrick()
// Do a trick here.
return 1;
int B::cal(int num1, int num2)
return doTrick() + num1 + num2;

If you like this post, you can buy me a coffee! :)


  1. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/bind
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14189440/c-callback-using-class-member



Jaime Lin

From Taiwan, a beautiful island. Learning English and sharing code experience.